The 5 Most Important Aspects of Client Onboarding

We know a thing or two about onboarding clients—because we’ve literally onboarded hundreds of them! We also train our Client Account Managers (CAMs) to be onboarding superstars. 

Many digital marketing agency owners struggle with onboarding, often because they’re too swamped and busy, and/or because they don’t have proper systems in place. And that’s a shame, because onboarding is ultimately how you set you (and your client!) up for success. 

We probably don’t need to tell you that onboarding is all about setting the right expectations and taking charge of your client relationship. Here’s five ways you can do just that, each and every time you bring on a new account. 

1. Onboard The Right Clients

It’s tempting for new agency owners to want to say yes to every project that comes their way. So you heard it from us: it’s more than ok to say no to some clients and projects. 

Every agency has different specialities and, ultimately, different vibes. And since you can’t be all things to all clients, it’s best to turn down projects that aren’t the right fit for your team. By setting this boundary with yourself first, you can be sure that the lucky people you do onboard are going to be primed for a great experience. 

2. Have Systems In Place for Onboarding

It’s really hard to overstate the power of systems for your agency. Do you have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in place for when you onboard new clients? If not, why not? 

Of course there may be times when certain clients or projects require unique onboarding. But in most cases, you’re going to onboard clients in the same way. You’re going to want to sign contracts and set up payments, you’re going to want to get access to all the files, documents, and software you’ll be using, and you want to learn more about the clients and their goals. 

So why not create go-to agency systems so that you’re not having to make things up as you go, or having to draft new emails and documents each and every time?

It’s much easier to get an onboarding SOP in place than you might think. In fact, hire a Client Account Manager and they’ll be able to help you identify any holes that need to be filled in this process. And if it still seems daunting, check out our Free Client Onboarding Checklist.

Finally, don’t forget that while you’re gathering all the resources you need, your client will have some needs too. So make sure they understand who their point of contact is (and how best to reach them), and that they’re trained in any new tools or platforms you may be introducing, too. 

3. Allow Enough Time For Onboarding

In our experience, agency owners tend to underestimate how long they spend onboarding. 

Maybe in theory, this could be a simple process (and it can certainly be simpler with some SOPs in place). But even the most streamlined onboarding process will require lots of back and forth. And getting signatures and gaining access to assets and platforms simply takes time. 

All of this means you want to factor in at least a few hours for onboarding each new client. That can really start to add up if you’re taking on several new projects a week, which is why some agencies turn to fractional client account management to make sure no balls get dropped. 

4. Check In With New Clients After Onboarding

So much of client onboarding is about building relationships. Indeed, so much of serving clients, period, is about building relationships. When clients understand that you care and are invested in their success, they’re going to have a great experience that will make them stick around and refer you to friends.  

Ideally, part of onboarding for either you or your CAM will be building those bridges and having those personal touchpoints and friendly chats (all while managing deliverables like a superstar!). 

But how can you tell if your clients are actually feeling great about how things are going? Easy—just ask them!

Here’s a secret: you don’t need to wait ‘til a project is finished or a contract runs out before checking in on clients. In fact, we send out our first Client Happiness Survey at the two week mark. That’s just long enough time for the client to understand how things are working. But it’s not too long, in case there are any issues or questions that need to be cleared up now. 

Not sure how to get started? Snag our Client Survey Happiness Template here!

5. Keep It Going!

There are certain elements that are ‘one-and-done’ in the onboarding process. Contracts usually only need to be signed once. Gaining access is a one-step process. And like they say, you only get one chance to make a first impression.

But there are certain elements of onboarding that don’t have to be one-and-done. Ideally, your new client is going to be getting lots of attention in the onboarding phase. In fact, while you’ve actually got lots of plates spinning in the background, they should feel like they’re the center of your attention. 

In short, while they’re being onboarded, clients usually feel great about their upcoming projects and excited to be working with you. 

So the question is how to keep that spark of onboarding goodwill going, throughout their (hopefully long) lifetime with your agency? 

Yes, you want to set up tracking systems so you can monitor success. And yes, you want to send regular reports and analysis on all your campaigns. That’s all so important to delivering the results you promised. 

But this is where a dedicated Client Account Manager (or in some cases, a Project Manager) can really shine. They’re the friendly and efficient eager beaver who are going to:

  1. Make sure the work gets done, and, just as important

  2. Make sure the clients stay super happy about all the work that gets done!

Oh, and never underestimate the power of a well-timed client gift

To learn more about how our white label Client Account Managers can help level up your onboarding and everything that comes after, please reach out

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