Why You Need White-Space On Your Calendar As An Agency Owner




Are you addicted to being busy?

Do you feel a compulsive need to fill up your schedule? Do you become anxious at the thought of slowing down and not getting things done?

You're nodding your head along, aren't you? ✋

We see this SOOOO frequently with agency owners — they think that once they hire a Client Account Manager, they'll finally get to the other things in their business, but they just get busy with other tasks.

This is something we work with agency owners on, understanding their WHY and pushing them to do that. 

Having white space in your calendar is SO important - it gives you time to focus on business development and other valuable activities.

Having a team supporting you, where everything is running without you, is a key step for getting you out of the day-to-day and giving you space to grow and scale your business 🌱

Listen to this week's episode, where we share a case study of one of our agency partners and more hacks for creating white space in your calendar.

Cheers to happy clients,


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