Introducing: The Client Onboarding Package That Will Save Your Agency✨

Are you ready to take your account management processes to the next level?

While growing your business, we know how essential it is to build and nurture relationships with your clients. Client retention is the name of the game, pal!

Happy Clients = Agency Success

Client Onboarding Documents

After testing and retesting our onboarding process many times, we know we’ve cracked the code to onboarding with ease. As an agency that works exclusively on client-agency relationships, we are here to give you the tools you need to totally step up your game and make onboarding your clients smooth like butta’.

Picture this: You’ve had the sales call. Your client loves you and your agency! Now it’s time to onboard them into your agency and start establishing a strong relationship with them. You pull up your DOT Client Onboarding Set-up Package and… BOOM! Easy peasy. Let’s get started!

“What do I get inside of the Onboarding Package?”

-The exact Briefing Documents we use for E-Commerce, Lead Generation, or Courses and Coaches agencies.

- Our Access Guide to streamline your onboarding workflow.

- Our Kick-Off Call Checklist, which is our proven system for making your agency’s first impressions really count.

Business Women talking about how to onboard new clients

“How do I use this Onboarding Package inside my agency?”

STEP ONE: Send your client the briefing document.

-In your first onboarding email, send your client the Briefing Document, where you write out everything you know and will need to research about the client (🔥HOT TIP🔥: Include their birthday so you can surprise them with a special gift!)

STEP TWO: Send the access guide.

-In our experience, clients may not always have the time to sit down and figure out how to give you access to what you need. That’s why we send an “Access Guide” in between the onboarding email and the kickoff call. This creates a smooth onboarding process, where you can establish exactly what you need from your client in order to best serve them!

STEP THREE: Familiarize yourself with the Kick-Off Checklist to ensure a strong first impression with your client.

-We are going to let you in on a little secret: A kick-off call is your opportunity to know your client like a BFF. What are their interests? Who are they outside of the corporate world? Gather personal and project details to build a long-term relationship with your client to knock that first impression out of the park

STEP FOUR: Send your client a friendly recap email, and plan your next coffee date-- er, meeting! See our sample email templates here.

-Remember-- your job is to keep your client informed and happy! Maybe for your next meeting, send your client a small Starbucks e-gift card (“coffee on me!”) and start getting those projects/campaigns running like a boss.

With our Briefing Documents, Access Guide, and Kick-Off Checklist, you’ll be ready to WOW your clients. It’s time to implement our Onboarding must-do’s and get to work! We promise this will improve your experience and lead to major client happiness (a win-win for everyone!).

We are SO excited to celebrate your success with you! Let’s get the party started.

Until next time,
