How to Keep Clients Happy Over the Slow Summer Season

As we bask in the glow of the very welcomed summer sun, we might find the hum of our digital marketing machines cooling down to a gentle purr. Like it does every year, indeed, the slow summer season has arrived, casting its long shadows over our bustling digital marketing world. If you have been pondering, "How can I keep my clients thrilled over the summer?" then good news - you’re in the right place!

Just because the temperatures are rising, doesn't mean your relationships with clients should cool down. Quite oppositely, it's during these tranquil times we have a unique opportunity to build client satisfaction, creating an even stronger and more resilient bond between your agency and clients. 

So grab your metaphorical sunblock and your thinking cap-slash-sunhat, and prepare to learn how to keep your clients content while nurturing relationships to distinguish yourself from competitors. Let's make this the best summer ever, shall we?!

Hire Fractional Account Managers

Just like their clients, owners of digital marketing agencies tend to scale down operations in the summer months. Hiring a dedicated team of fractional Account Managers gives agencies the flexibility to provide exceptional client management while also giving them peace of mind to enjoy the summer sunshine. 

Client Account Managers allow agencies to:

  • Communicate consistently and efficiently with clients

  • Keep in-flight projects on track and budget

  • Quickly resolve client questions and concerns

  • Ensure quality of deliverables

  • Keep client milestones aligned with their long-term goals

DOT & Company’s Client Account Managers (CAMs) are pre-vetted and specifically trained to manage all of the above, and more!  As qualified Account Managers, we understand digital marketing and can anticipate client needs—especially how to balance communications and expectations within reduced summer hours. 

Plan For Major Milestones 

Project progress and status snapshots are what keeps your client relationships pulsing. But, let's not forget our client's sacred summer schedule—it's likely more packed than a carry-on suitcase for a two-week vacation. So, to ease the squeeze, become their summertime hero by plotting any VIP meetings or project pit-stops way ahead of the wave.

Planning is like summer SPF, protecting against the harsh burn of last-minute commitments. It allows your client to relax knowing their calendar won't be randomly interrupted.

When it comes to parts of the project that require sign-offs or a big decision, arrange those meetings several weeks ahead. This ensures that the project's momentum doesn't hit a block and continues to go according to plan!

Consistency Is Key 

Consistent and transparent reporting is a critical puzzle piece to the Account Manager-client relationship. Despite summer, it’s essential to maintain communication with your clients with the agreed reporting metrics—whatever they may be. Staying consistent with reporting will let your client know you’re actively engaged in the project and available to address any questions or issues. 

Roll Out A Riveting Webinar 

A webinar is like a cozy digital campfire where everyone can gather, but instead of spooky stories, we're serving up piping-hot insights and updates!

You'll orchestrate an entire show all about your active campaigns, the exciting initiatives on the horizon, and the overall progress of the project that unfolds at the viewer's leisure. This not-so-live but oh-so-enlightening session shares details you'd typically discuss in an in-person meeting, but in a pre-recorded format.

Webinar-style gatherings allow your clients to press play when it works for them, pause when they need, and rewind for a refresher. Plus, clients can always reach out with their questions or if they crave more juicy details. 

Release The Surveys! 

With summer in full swing, it’s a perfect chance to request feedback from a survey. Surveys are an effective way to gauge client satisfaction, learn more about what’s working well, and discover opportunities for improvement. 

Don’t forget Client Happiness Surveys.  These are hardly cold data collection tools, but a chance to gauge client satisfaction, understand needs and areas for improvement, and keep a pulse on your relationships. Summer is a golden opportunity for clients to complete Happiness Surveys as they are less busy, so they have more space to reflect  and provide meaningful feedback and thoughtful insights. This can guide your strategy for the remaining year. They can also help you get ahead of small issues before they become bigger issues. Surveys support clients to feel that their input is valued which can strengthen your business relationship long term.

Sunbeams of Praise

Summer, with its joyous medley of sunshine and ease, serves as the perfect backdrop for upping your gift-giving game. Gifts are wonderful tokens of appreciation and thoughtful ones speak volumes and clients love them!

By keeping your ear to the ground, you can absorb your clients' interests, hobbies, and summer plans to curate gifts that are as unique as their tastes. Including their loved ones and families goes a long way, too! 

Elevate Your Expertise 

Summer is an ideal window for intellectual cultivation and evolution.

It's a chance to deep dive into your client's agencies, and understand the nuances of their marketing needs and plans.  It's the perfect time for knowledge-building and leveling up. You should always be looking to grow, seeking new trends, and sharpening your skills, all of which can help you flourish in your role.

In addition to taking classes, and attending webinars and seminars, it's a good time to encourage agency development by updating, revising, and rejuvenating the Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) ensuring it's up-to-date, effective, and a true guiding light for all.

Hire A CAM!

At DOT & Co., we understand the needs of digital marketing agencies and their clients. Our approach to fractional account management stems from years of providing flexible services to clients worldwide. Allow us to take care of clients so you can take care of business!
Learn more about what's possible by Booking A Call.

CAM, HiringDOT & Co