Daily Client Communication: Is It Overkill?




Welcome to: The Daily Pulse ⚡ Something we've coined over here at DOT & Co.

Do you ever feel like you should update a client, but you feel like you don't have anything to update them on?

Don't worry, we've been there too.

If you're a digital marketing agency, your clients are likely paying you the big bucks for your expertise, so they deserve regular updates and face time. That's why we started The Daily Pulse.

We're going to share exactly how we update clients on the daily. It transformed our client communications, and we think it'll transform yours too.

The Daily Pulse: What It Is + Why You Need It

It's time you start everyday off on the right foot with your clients by implementing a quick daily pulse-check. Sometimes these are in the form of metrics, strategy, or project updates— and other times we simply are checking in on our client's day-to-day with their families, hobbies, or dogs (shocker!).

As always, we do this every morning to set the tone with our clients that we are hustling for them all day everyday.

Take our tricks are use this method next time you onboard a new client. Something as easy as:

Hi Betty,

Popping in to say hello and to let you know that we haven't forgotten about you!

Your project is a priority of ours, and we want to ensure we're keeping you in the loop amongst our other projects in the hopper. I'll be touching base in the next couple of days— until then, I'm here if you have any questions & you can also reach me on Skype. My username is xyz. Chat soon!


This tiny add-on could really transform your client relationships. Show them that they are loved + always top of mind by connecting with them regularly. You'll thank us later!

So is daily client communication overkill?? We think not. And we're making it easy for you to jump on the bandwagon.

→ Come and grab our full stack of Daily Pulse email templates and get on our level. Head over to https://www.dotandcompany.co/email to download and integrate into your PM software.

Bing, bang, boom! ⚡

Until next time, 

Cheers to happy clients!

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