Help! Should I Hire Full-Time or Contracted Account Manager?




If you're growing an agency, you KNOW the importance of hiring someone to take over client management— but is this a full-time or part-time role?

After listening to this episode, you'll learn what's the best plan of action for you and your agency. We're here for whatever you choose, but here are our thoughts. When we started, our goal was to help agency owners who needed premium talent who are efficient and not necessarily "full-time hours"

You'll want to consider full time if;

  1. If you need MORE than just a client account manager ie admin, strategy, managing team members, etc. then it might e time to have someone who's more than a part-time CAM

  2. You're scaling VERY fast and your revenue and profits match your goals

  3. The risk of hiring full time is worth it to you

You'll want to consider part-time like DOT if;

  1. You're growing and don't have time to go through the entire hiring process and training process

  2. You don't want the risk and headache of full time

  3. You've tried hiring a cam in the past but it didn't work out

  4. You don't want to manage people like a full-time team member

Reach out to chat with us about hiring someone part-time, or training your full-time team member. Don't have someone to hire full-time? We might be able to help. 

Helpful Resources:

  1. On Episode #15, we talk all about the differences between a project manager and a client account manager

  2. On Episode 37, we talk about how to prepare your agency before hiring a client account manager

  3. Episode 66 we talk about 10 Important Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Hiring Someone To Manage Your Clients

  4. Client Account Manager Task List 

Cheers to happy clients,


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