Meet Megan Jivraj!

In a nutshell...

Megan’s experience includes, but not limited to:

  • Her areas of expertise include content marketing and SEO.

  • She loves determining what content is needed to attract, engage, and retain an audience.

  • SEO is a great way to enhance all of the fabulous content created.

  • She enjoys working SEO in blog articles, email marketing, website content, and so much more!

Niche Industry experience includes, but not limited to:

  • She has worked in the non-profit sector, dealing with mental health and wellness.

  • She has worked in media production and documentary filmmaking.

Megan is Intrigued by the unique qualities of each person and loves to connect with others. Building and maintaining relationships is the key to her success! She is passionate, ambitious, and empathetic.

When working with others, Megan inspires personal and group excellence. She nurtures the strengths of individuals and teams. Always eager to learn and grow, Megan thrives in an ever-changing digital marketing world. She rolls with the punches and will always find alternative ways to proceed in scenarios! 

Creativity and passion are Megan’s driving forces. She takes pride in strategic planning and being productive. You can count on her to stay focused and meet deadlines. 

Want to get to know Megan outside of her CAM life!? Megan loves to start her day with a cold plunge! She has gone so far as to set up a makeshift plunge in her backyard. The cold Edmonton winters freeze water in a large animal trough big enough for her. Every morning, she breaks up the ice and hops in for 3 minutes. Who needs coffee anyway?

Wondering what her go-to coffee order is? Her love for coffee is as strong as the brew. She has at least one every day! Sometimes she’ll switch it up and have a mocha.

Fun fact about Megan… She loves capturing special moments in life (weddings, family time, the arrival of little humans) and is a photographer in her spare time!